
Download Prinsesse Av Folketkrevende Kollegakvinnen Han Glemte By Ally Blake, Liz Fielding Michelle Reid Pdf Ebook

Download Prinsesse Av Folketkrevende Kollegakvinnen Han Glemte By Ally Blake, Liz Fielding Michelle Reid Pdf Ebook Genre : Romance ,Livros Prinsesse av folket Kronprins Alexander trenger ferie – fra livet som prins! Han vil glemme de kongelige pliktene sine og prøve "det vanlige livet". Journalisten Laura tar seg straks av den sexy prinsen og tilbyr seg å være hans guide i virkeligheten. Varme følelser vokser snart frem mellom dem, til tross for at de er ulike som natt og dag. Men kan en vanlig kvinne virkelig passe for en prins? Krevende kollega Ideen er strålende – Abbey Parrish skal starte et nytt, elegant magasin for menn. Og som forsidebilde vil hun ha den mest lysende stjernen på kjendishimmelen, den mektige og sexy Flynn Granger. Han aksepterer tilbudet på en betingelse: At han skal være medskribent. Abbey går med på det, men undrer seg samtidig på hva hun har begitt seg inn på. Det virker nemlig som om Flynn vil være mer enn bare en kolle...

Letoltes Sleeping Beauties By Stephen King Owen King Pdf Ebook

Letoltes Sleeping Beauties By Stephen King Owen King Pdf Ebook Genre : Horror ,Books ,Fiction & Literature ,Crime & Thrillers In this spectacular father/son collaboration, Stephen King and Owen King tell the highest of high-stakes stories: what might happen if women disappeared from the world of men? All around the world, something is happening to women when they fall asleep; they become shrouded in a cocoon-like gauze. If awakened, if the gauze wrapping their bodies is disturbed, the women become feral and spectacularly violent... In the small town of Dooling, West Virginia, the virus is spreading through a women's prison, affecting all the inmates except one. Soon, word spreads about the mysterious Evie, who seems able to sleep - and wake. Is she a medical anomaly or a demon to be slain? The abandoned men, left to their increasingly primal devices, are fighting each other, while Dooling's Sheriff, Lila Norcross, is just fighting to stay awake. And the sleeping wo...

Ladata Sommernattens Hemmeligheder By Lisa Kleypas Pdf Ebook

Ladata Sommernattens Hemmeligheder By Lisa Kleypas Pdf Ebook Genre : Historical ,Books ,Romance ,Fiction & Literature ,Erotica Første bind i Wallflower-serien. Annabelle Peyton har sat sig for at redde sin familie fra fattigdom og beslutter sig for at bruge sin skønhed og charme til at finde en passende ægtemand. Annabelles mest charmerende – og vedholdende – beundrer er den velhavende og magtfulde Simon Hunt, men han har gjort hende det klart, at han vil give hende uimodståelig nydelse, men ikke ægteskab. Annabelle er fast besluttet på modstå hans utænkelige forslag … Review: Ladata Sommernattens Hemmeligheder By Lisa Kleypas Pdf Ebook Genre : Historical ,Books ,Romance ,Fiction & Literature ,Erotica Første bind i Wallflower-serien. Annabelle Peyton har sat sig for at redde sin familie fra fattigdom og beslutter sig for at bruge sin skønhed og charme til at finde en passende ægtemand. Annabelles mest charmerende – og vedholdende – beundrer er den velhavende og magtful...

Download Oye, Morena, T Qu Miras By Megan Maxwell Pdf Ebook

Download Oye, Morena, T Qu Miras By Megan Maxwell Pdf Ebook Genre : Romance ,Livros Una divertidísima comedia romántica que nos recuerda que, aunque el amor tiene fecha de caducidad, a veces puedes conservarlo para toda la vida. Hola, soy Coral. Siempre fui una romántica empedernida, hasta que el género masculino me rompió el corazón. Después de varios desengaños, os juro que me dije a mí misma que no iba a permitir que nadie más me hiciera daño. ¡Qué bonito es el amor, pero menuda mierdecita es sufrir por él!  Hoy por hoy me considero una mujer relativamente feliz. Trabajo como repostera, tengo unas amigas increíbles y una preciosa hija a la que adoro. En cuanto al temita hombres, lo único que pretendo es disfrutar de un sexo divertido con ellos y poco más. Sin embargo, debo confesar que hay uno que hace que se acelere mi atontado corazón cada vez que lo veo. Se llama Andrew y es el jefe de segurida...

Herunterladen Daddy'S Hohoho By Mia Kingsley Pdf Ebook

Herunterladen Daddy'S Hohoho By Mia Kingsley Pdf Ebook Genre : Zeitgenössisch ,Bücher ,Liebesromane ,Belletristik und Literatur Spießigkeit hat einen Namen und wohnt im Stockwerk über mir. Seitdem ich Noreen Spicer unter eher unglücklichen Umständen kennengelernt habe, meidet die Frau mich wie die Pest. Eine Schande, denn sie ist genau mein Typ. Als ich mich in ihrem E-Mail-Postfach umsehe (aus rein nachbarschaftlicher Neugier selbstverständlich), überrascht es mich deshalb umso mehr, dass ausgerechnet sie einen Callboy für Weihnachten buchen möchte, um mit ihm die Feiertage zu verbringen – und darüber hinaus nicht bloß irgendeinen dahergelaufenen Callboy, sondern einen "Daddy". Ich brauchen nur zwei Klicks, damit ihre Nachricht nie ans Ziel kommt und sie von mir ihre vermeintliche Buchungsbestätigung bekommt. Ho ho ho, Noreen. Ich freue mich jetzt schon auf dein Gesicht, wenn Daddy dir die Tür öffnet … Die "Christmas Daddies" sind in sich abgeschlossene KURZ...

Ladata Someone To Watch Over Me By Lisa Kleypas Pdf Ebook

Ladata Someone To Watch Over Me By Lisa Kleypas Pdf Ebook Genre : Historical ,Books ,Romance Someone to Watch Over Me is a classic tale from New York Times bestselling author Lisa Kleypas. In this Regency romance, Kleypas, the author of Seduce Me at Sunrise, tells the story of a scandalous beauty with no memory of who she is and the man determined to unravel the secrets of her past. Review: marwilliams47 Great story! I’m very much enjoyed this story. It surprised me how much I enjoyed it. Rosea lie Someone to watch over me Very easy but exciting reading, I find the books I have read hard to put down. I always am eager to pick them up again to read. nkbiggs A wonderful change... I found the deviation from the aristocracy to more attention to the layman very interesting indeed. I could relate to the hero/heroine. Real people without all the restraints of 'Lord This' and 'Lady That'. Fewer privileges but also fewer requirements or expectations... a bit of a break f...

Download Christmas Secrets Collection By Josie Metcalfe, Laura Iding, Karen Rose Smith, Patricia Kay, Emma Darcy, Sophie Pembroke, Christine Rimmer, Cara Colter, Donna Alward, Heidi Betts, Brenda Harlen Catherine Mann Pdf Ebook

Download Christmas Secrets Collection By Josie Metcalfe, Laura Iding, Karen Rose Smith, Patricia Kay, Emma Darcy, Sophie Pembroke, Christine Rimmer, Cara Colter, Donna Alward, Heidi Betts, Brenda Harlen Catherine Mann Pdf Ebook Genre : Romance ,Livros ,Contos ,Contemporâneo A fabulous Mills & Boon Collection of Christmas Romantic stories A Collection of sexy Christmas stories from Mills & Boon including Christmas Secrets, Billionaires, exotic locations and much more! Review: Download Christmas Secrets Collection By Josie Metcalfe, Laura Iding, Karen Rose Smith, Patricia Kay, Emma Darcy, Sophie Pembroke, Christine Rimmer, Cara Colter, Donna Alward, Heidi Betts, Brenda Harlen Catherine Mann Pdf Ebook Genre : Romance ,Livros ,Contos ,Contemporâneo A fabulous Mills & Boon Collection of Christmas Romantic stories A Collection of sexy Christmas stories from Mills & Boon including Christmas Secrets, Billionaires, exotic locations and much more! Review: Download...